Commercial Mortgage
A commercial mortgage is similar to a residential mortgage, except the collateral is a commercial building or other business real estate, not residential property. In addition, commercial mortgages are typically taken on by businesses instead of individual borrowers. The borrower may be a partnership, incorporated business, or limited company, so assessment of the creditworthiness of the business can be more complicated than is the case with residential mortgages.
Commercial mortgages are available to clients who are searching for financing to cover costs for purchases of commercial buildings, gas stations, multi-family residential or commercial buildings or apartment buildings.
Commercial lenders have different approval criterias for each situation. We discuss your situation and prepare for the commercial mortgage you need.
If you are a commercial property owner looking to expand your business to new levels of growth, we are ready to help you in refinancing your commercial property for the purposes of:
• Renovations
• Franchising
• Expansion
• Company Expenditures
• Better terms and Conditions